Friday I got to go Black Friday Shopping for the second year with Jill! It was a fun adventure because this year we went shopping down in Tucson. I got lots of good stuff, mostly from Kohls. I would have pictures but its all kinda down in the valley. Although here is a picture of me in my new hat (I'm a hat girl. :) ) and Jill looking at the ads.
I got lots of new clothes- exciting news was none of them were XL, yay!! :) I also was able to get some cute stuff for my Christmas collection. I decided after seeing Jill's amazing Christmas collections that I was going to start my own. I have started collecting western ornaments for a western tree in my future apartment/house (when I'm on my own) and western Santas. I got the cutest Cowboy Santa at Hobby Lobby. Yay!
Saturday I was able to get some new jeans- 3 in total with 2 being Wranglers totaling a whole $27 bucks! Heck ya! Then I took photos for my photography portfolio and hung out with my buddies Cole and Cameron. It was a blast.
Sunday I finally got to relax and enjoy watching the movie "Fred Claus" with my family.
This weekend went way too fast, but I technically only have like six days of actual classes left so I'll be home soon, and this time for a month. :)
Sorry for the short update, but I got get going on studies and my portfolio.
Keep Hanging On!
As you can see nothing too bad. I doubt I'll even be able to tell I have scars.
Now for better things to talk about!!!
Ever since I was little I always liked doing art and craft projects. I remember I was enrolled in an after school craft class in elementary. Well in junior high and high school I really wasn't able to be as crafty because of being busy with sports or marching band.
You can't really tell from the picture but its a raccoon- he's gray and black with blue eyes. :)
Personally, I think he turned out pretty cute.
Now as for my other two hobbies, this past year I've really been able to work on them and get better. Over the summer is when I really worked on my scrapbooking. I discovered new ways to make the pages more exciting by using ribbon, cut outs, jewels and other things. Before I just used stickers and the pictures. I think my pages are now more fun to look at. My biggest project is my PBR Scrapbook. Here are a few pages from it:
As for my Photography, I've improved immensely I think. I owe that to my photography class and photography professor. This semester I decided to have a fun class and I always love taking pictures so I figured photography was the way to go. I love this class! I have learned so much to improve my photography. I've discovered that my strongest point is scenics. Here are some of my favorites that I took this semester:
I can't wait for the Winter Break so I can go shopping at Hobby Lobby and get more stuff to expand my hobbies. I want a relaxing break where I can just enjoy myself and what I like to do, and scrapbooking, photography, and cross stitching will be included in that.
I wonder what else I can learn to do?!
I hope you enjoyed this post- it was a little different for a change. :)
Keep Holding On!
Some of my stones- this is only 1/20th of what was inside me!
I guess I was out by 12:30pm which was really quick. The recovery nurses were great specially nice I was in a lot more pain then I expected to be in. I did good and I was out of the hospital at about 2:30-3pm.
My bandages and Jackson Pratt Drain
I've been doing well. I kinda did too much this week and my body wasn't scared to tell me. I never knew that it would take so much time and it would hurt so much. But I'm getting better each day. I'm so grateful for everyone that helped me through this and who continue to help support me through this. Tuesday I get to take my bandages off which will be nice cause the tape is driving me nuts.
Kody and I in 2008. He was so nice that he hopped the fence so I could get a picture with him!
Thanks for reading, and keep holding on!