Howdy Y'all!
Well this summer sure has flown by. I can't believe that July is already coming to a close pretty soon. I feel like it was just the beginning of month not to long ago. Though there is that saying out there which states that "Time flies when you're having fun!". Boy, am I learning the truth to that.
Compared to last summer this one rocks! I'm still working constantly and haven't had a break, til now because I'm sick, but it's nothing compared to last year. Last year I worked every morning at the dog kennel Monday thru Saturday til about 10-11am, then once 1pm came around it was back to work for a shift til about 7-8pm at Client Focus. I rarely had time to spend with my friends and family let alone myself. The extra pay was great, but looking at the summer it really wasn't worth it. Now I work every morning at the dog kennel and then pull a couple double shifts here and there, but mostly after 10am the rest of the day is free to me. I love it. Granted normally I fall back asleep pretty hard 'til noon, but hey.
Due to the fact that I'm not working as much, I've gotten the chance to spend time with my friends and family more. My best friends Dan and Jill moved back up to the valley, well 45 min away but its better than an hour and a half to two hours, and I've gotten the chance to see them here and there. Whether it's to help get them settled, taking Jill out to lunch, game night, etc., it's just been so great having them so close. It's going to be really hard to go back to Flagstaff and be the one that's so far away. It's also great to come home and actually see my family. I can actually sit down and have dinners with them again and play games. I miss that a lot when I'm away at school.
Another thing that has made my summer special from the past few is "mein schatz" aka "my treasure" translated from German. I've been together with Justin now almost two months. I know that's not very long, but the time we've spent together as been amazing. I really can't say enough good things about him. No one has made me feel like I'm special and amazing just the way I am in so long.

We've done so many fun and special things together this summer. To list a few: Ice skating (my first time ever & loved it), Bowling, Trips to Sportsman's and Bass Pro (very us), Dancing under the stars in the desert, picnic at Fountain Hills, Justin made me dinner & gave me a surprise necklace, Baptisms at the Temple, Institute together, and many more.
To add on to this list will be going to Escalante, UT this weekend. I'm so excited and have been looking forward to this all summer. We'll be leaving Thursday and going up to spend time with his extended family and celebrating the 24th of July. By talking to Justin it already sounds like him and his family have lots of plans for me. One of the big ones is the Rodeo on Saturday. :) Everyone knows that I'm a sucker for rodeos. Not only will I get to go and see it, but I will also get the chance to be in it. I'm so excited!! Justin and I have been talking about this trip for the past month and can't wait to go.
I wish this summer could last forever so I wouldn't have to go to school and leave him. I'm scared to see what the school semester might bring, but I hope that things will continue to go well and grow between him and I. I guess only time will tell. Having him in my life has been a blessing for sure and I just hope in some way I've been able to be someone special for him like he is for me.
Ich Liebe Mein Schatz!
(I love my treasure!)

Well it's late, I'm sick, and should really get to bed if I'm going to try and get rid of this before I leave Thursday.
Keep Hanging On, and more will come after UT! Wish me Luck!
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