Howdy Y'all! I know it's been awhile since my last post- sorry! Things just get so busy when you start school again. You ready for an update on me?? Strap on your spurs, grab on tight, throw your hand in the air and give a nod cause here we go!!
Last time I was on here it was Thanksgiving, well that was long gone so I'm not going to really talk about that. Haha. I had a great Thanksgiving though with my family and got to spend some time with my best friends Dan and Jill. Jill and I went shopping for my very first Black Friday. It was intense, but a total blast. We'll probably go again next year. :)
Christmas was great! It wasn't a big Christmas for the Dillon Family, but that really didn't matter. All that mattered was we were all there and could celebrate it together. I love Christmas. It's the one day where my whole family is just in the best of mood- specially my Dad. I always look forward to Christmas cause I know my Dad will be in all smiles and shows his love more then he does any other day of the year. This year I got the biggest surprise and probably best present. New Boots!!! That's right, brand new Cowboy Boots! Oh, I love them to death! My Mom picked them out and I think she did awesome!! What do you think? (Forgive the basketball shorts, but hey its my pjs.)

The rest of Christmas Break I got to go to my best friend Jill's Graduation, spend time with her and Danny, be with my family, and work at the dog kennel. I love the dog kennel I worked with. It helped me to see what kind of dogs I want for the near future. My heart is pretty set on a Boxer when I move out and get my own place. If not, it will for sure be a big dog. I'm also leaning towards a Great Dane or Mastiff.- Like I said, big dogs! :)
School started back up in mid January, and believe me it's not a easy semester. I finally have started my Junior year here at NAU and sadly the courses are only going to get harder. Right now I'm taking Genetics, Stats, 3 hour Chem 151 Lab, Physics 111 with a 3 hours lab as well, Az Forest and Wildlife (probably my easiest and most relaxing), and then doing research for my Animal Behavior professor. I'm currently working on analyzing the difference between aggressive and non-aggressive vocalizations in dogs. I'm pretty stoked. Right now I've been reading past journals and experiments. Hopefully I can start my actual research soon.
NAU really hasn't changed, except for the fact that we got another snow day! ROCK ON! I guess I should state that it is very, very, very rare for NAU to have snow days. The Elementary and Jr. and High Schools get them all the time but not us. My first semester up here we got one, and then again this semester. It was the first time NAU history they had to close the school for two years straight due to snow. This time we got a huge storm. We got 2 feet of snow in just one night- it was awesome! Here's what it looked like. Pretty eh?
I have discovered something really cool though up here at NAU. There is work-out/ dance class that is offered here at our Rec-Center called Zumba! It is so much fun, and thanks to it I have already lost 8lbs! I go every Monday, Wednesday, Friday if I can. It's a great work-out, I'm learning lots of fun dance moves, and the music is pretty cool. It's not country, but if it gets me into those cute Wrangler Jeans- I'm all in!
Some other things to add that really don't have to do with school, but are my part of life are the following...
My good friend Jared Bienz left for his mission to Tampa, FL for two years a little over a week ago. I'm very excited for him and think this will be such a great experience for him. I did get a letter from him yesterday and he seems to be doing well. I look forward to the changes in him as he grows in our Heavenly Father's work.

I'm currently working on trying to get an AZ Game and Fish internship over the summer. I think it would be a great opportunity for me, but it seems pretty tough to get in. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping something will be offered to me.
There is some sad news though. This weekend, more like tomorrow, the PBR will be in town at Glendale. Unfortunately due to school I won't be able to make it. It starts at 6pm Sunday night and won't be over till late, so I'm pretty upset that I don't get to go. I was doing so good the past two years about going but not this year. I'm glad they decided to come back to AZ but totally bummed it was in Feb and not in the summer like usual. Maybe I can make an event in TX this summer- that would be pretty sweet! So yeah, best of luck my boys!!! Go get 'em and show 'em what you're made of!!!
Anyways, that's about it for me. There's other things, but I'm probably the only one that finds it funny or entertaining. Haha. I'm looking forward to Spring Break so I can have a break from school, but I'm so ready for this semester to be over. Ugh.
Oh well. I just have to Cowgirl Up, and hang out tight!
That's all for now...keep holding on!