Okay, first I apologize for taking so long to post this. I also want to warn you that there is a butt load of pictures on here but no where near the 300+ I took. Which this also means this post is really long. I hope you enjoy it though.
On August 1st and 2nd I went to the 25th stop on the Built Ford Tough PBR Tour. The Glendale Invitational here in Glendale, Az. It was a birthday present to myself and I went with one of my best friends and my Mom came the second night.
The first night our seats were right there by the Chutes. It was so sweet!! Jared would be talking to me and all of sudden I just see J.B. Mauney right there. I mean he seriously was right there just hanging out by the chutes. I would flip every time a new rider would come out. Poor Jared, he had to deal with me and my excitement the whole night. The first night was awesome. I was on a total high that afterwards I called Jill telling her everything that happened in about a 30 seconds time span.

After an amazing opening it was time for the rides to begin!!! One after the another, it was awesome! The first 10 guys couldn't stay on and then we started getting bulls rid. I have more pictures of the rides but this post is already going to be huge!

Once the event was over, which seemed to fly by so fast, they said you can come down to the fence and get autographs. I figured we would only see a couple riders but I was wrong. I got to meet and see so many more riders than I ever imagined. Plus autographs up the wahzoo! Here are some pictures of the riders and myself. I look like crap so kinda ignore that!
Brian Canter and Myself- he's young, he's rich, and he's single! My type of guy!! Haha. He's also an amazing rider.
Luke Synder and Myself- he's a great rider and overall just a nice guy.
J.B. Mauney and Myself- he's ranked fifth right now, my age, and was giving Justin McBride a run for his money last year for World Champ.
Cord McCoy and Myself- YAY CORD! Talk about one of the nicest people you will ever meet. He treats everyone like you're his best friend. After our picture he goes "That is going to be a great picture!" I looked at it afterwards and noticed the thumbs up. He's amazing! He also complimented Jared's PBR shirt we got him.
Sean Willingham and Myself- great guy and also an amazing wake boarder as well.
Kody Lostroh and Myself- this was really neat! When I asked to get a picture with him he said "Sure!" and then immediately started climbing over the fence. I was surprised and was like "Oh my gosh you are so cool!" I think he enjoyed the compliment by the smile on his face. He's also ranked third right now!

Jared with one of the PBR Bulls- that's right they had on there for everyone to see and pet.
Me being goofy with the Git-R-Done hat.
Jared and his new favorite rider Mike Lee!- This is such a good picture of those two.
Zack Brown and Myself- one of the older riders who didn't even have to be there signing things but was anyways. How cool is that?!
Flint and Myself- Flint is the official rodeo clown of the PBR and a pure genius!! This guy is 40 and knows how to dance.
So this was hilarious and proof that these guys are just ordinary people. These are a couple of the riders just enjoying their spare time and really into this game. I knew right away they were riders but no one else seemed to really think they were anyone big, but if it was like Brad Pitt different story.
Reese Cates and Myself- OMG!! You don't know how excited I was for this picture. My whole goal for going to Cabela's was to meet him. I actually didn't really know him that well till one night at school I heard him on the PBR radio show being interviewed. He is so funny and a total sweetheart! Also one of my favorite riders!
Kolt Donaldson and Myself- so he was sitting down with the others signing things and I didn't really notice how "open" his shirt was till he got up and came around to take a picture with me. Yeah you can tell I noticed- my face is slightly reddish.
That's right, I have officially been to Margaritaville!
Picture of the plane inside- it's the neatest restaurant and I highly recommend going!
Our huge dessert!! It was so good- look at the damage below.
The Sweet PBR Built Ford Tough Super Dutey Truck that I want!
Austin Meier and Myself- It's so great to see him and have him back riding. He had a nasty and scary neck injury and was very lucky.
Ross Coleman and Myself- This guy is huge! I mean tall and built! He makes the bulls look somewhat smaller.
Dustin Elliot- He's so nice! I about died when he put his arm around me. Not only is he a great rider but he's fast! A bull went after him the first night and man he flew and got away like a pro football player going in for a touch down!
L.J. Jenkins and Myself- the picture might not show it but he's a nice guy.
Colby Yates and Myself- he's a sweet heart and did really well that night.
Jared and I the second night of the event. I thought this was a great picture.
The beginning of the second night! PBR written in flames- it was sweet!!
Brian Canter! Poor guy was in a nasty wreck in an event after this. Broke his whole lower jaw and big gash in the head.
Perfect example of why this is the toughest sport on earth!
The Winner of the Glendale Invitational: Clayton Williams. His first event win, the bull he is riding HAD never been ridden before until that moment!
After the event wrapped up Jared and I went to the Official PBR After Party!- The PBR Night Club. It was lots of fun. We got to see some of the riders relax and have fun. Jared and I danced to a couple songs and then we decided to get going since it would be an hour drive to get home and it was already almost 12:30.
The whole weekend was just amazing!! I never had so much fun within a 48 hour time span then I did that Friday and Saturday. I never thought I would get to meet so many of the riders and get so many autographs, pictures, and let alone just be able to be right there with them. I give these guys so much credit and respect. They are so nice to the fans and they are one big family helping out each other even though they are all competeing against each other.
Hopefully the PBR will return next year!! I love this sport and will always be a big fan!! :)

Mike Lee and Myself- I actually got to meet and have my picture with him last year! It was awesome getting to talk to him again and telling him congrats on his 89 ride.
Alright so on to Day 2! We started all the fun and action at 12:30. Jared and I headed over to Cabela's because they had an autograph signing and we wanted to have fun at the store before the event. I actually wasn't even planning on going to Cabelas that early but when I saw there was going to be riders and I had free time well it was just a must!

After Cabelas we had a good hour and half to spare. The original plan was to have dinner at Cabelas but that quickly changed. The day before Jared found a different place he wanted to go eat at. Somewhere where it's always 5 o'clock and pouring something strong....

Right after dinner we were able to go into the arena two hours early. You're probably thinking, why on earth get there two hours before?! Well they had an autograph session for the fans! I figured it would be around the fence like the night before. Oh no! We got to go onto the actual grounds and the riders came out and hung out with eveyone for an hour. We got more autographs, pictures, and just got to talk to the guys. Reese Cates remember me from earlier and goes "We got our picture taken earlier and I probably broke the camera!". Haha it was so cute. Cord McCoy remembered us from the night before and even made a comment to Jared "Hey bud, where's you're cool shirt?!". These guys are so much fun and just great personalites!

After the event wrapped up Jared and I went to the Official PBR After Party!- The PBR Night Club. It was lots of fun. We got to see some of the riders relax and have fun. Jared and I danced to a couple songs and then we decided to get going since it would be an hour drive to get home and it was already almost 12:30.
The whole weekend was just amazing!! I never had so much fun within a 48 hour time span then I did that Friday and Saturday. I never thought I would get to meet so many of the riders and get so many autographs, pictures, and let alone just be able to be right there with them. I give these guys so much credit and respect. They are so nice to the fans and they are one big family helping out each other even though they are all competeing against each other.
Hopefully the PBR will return next year!! I love this sport and will always be a big fan!! :)