Sorry it took me so long to post this from the last one! On Saturday night, July 5th I went to the famous Taylor 4th of July Rodeo!! Hooray!! Ever since I was small, my Grandpa would take me, my siblings, my cousin Scott, and my Mom to the Rodeo. It was always such a big event to us that we would always fight over who got which old boots of my Grandpa's and which cowboy hat of his. Then hours before we would leave you could find us dressed up in boots and hats way too big with my Grandpa's rope practicing our roping skills on that wicked fast fence post. Haha.

Well ever since then, I have tried to keep the tradition alive and go every year. For a while I wasn't able to go for a span of 3 years because of being in Europe or something else. Two years ago I was able to take Jill which was a total blast. This year it was my Mom and I that went. I got all decked out and looking good in my hat, boots, and buckle- go me, and before it started we caught dinner at Trappers. Which is a must. We got to the rodeo grounds about an hour before it started and already there were lots of seats saved. It ended up being a huge turn out with between 4,500-6,500 people. Before the rodeo started I walked around and got to take some pictures.

These were two little buckaroos that I had to take their picture!
This is my Mom and me in the big stands where we sat. I know, we look a lot alike.
Even the Elders came out to enjoy the rodeo!
This is the famous shooting of the anvil. (Ask Jill the story about this from two years ago)
Shortly after the anvil was shot, the Rodeo began. It was amazing. There was the Bare Back Riding, Calf Roping, Barrel Racing, Saddle Bronc Riding, and then my favorite Bull Riding!! It was a really neat one to go to this year. No one was able to stay on the bulls so the stock contactor got all the money, and then the fastest time for the calf roping was like 8.6 seconds (it was insane), and of course lots of cowboys to look at!! :D

Which, I should also mention if you didn't know. Taylor is famous for being home to many world champs and one being a PBR World Champ Cody Hancock. After the rodeo, there was dancing and to my luck I was asked to dance by a very cute and gentlemen bull rider. But that's another story for another time!
Keep Hanging On!