Saturday morning my Mom woke me up and asked what I wanted for breakfast, so I had my favorite Chocolate Chip Pancakes! YUMMY!! When we were done I got in the shower, dressed for the day and we went to Bed Bath & Beyond. We got me an electric blanket and wedding gifts for friends. It was pretty funny when the lady there thought it was my wedding and wondered why I was registering a week before. Haha. That afternoon I got to go with Dan's sister Lacey, Jill, and Sis. Bienz to get Lacey's ears periced. It was exciting and reminded me of when I got mine done...except I was a Junior in High school and didn't get the whole lunch and thing with it. Haha. Afterwards I played a couple games of wiffleball with the boys, and went home for dinner. Mom made homemade Chinese food. It was awesome! At around 9:30 I went back over to the Bienz to play games the rest of the night.
Sunday was an interesting day. Haha, I was suppose to go to the Zoo but that didn't work out. Well more like my Mom thought it was too crowded and turned around. Then we were going to go somewhere else but it was closed. Needless to say I missed Stake Conference just to ride around and end up going home to play cards. Though, I can't complain too much I got to spend time with my family.
This weekend was lots of fun, and I'm so glad I got to go home. I honestly didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay home and continue having fun with my family, and hanging out with my best friends. Im so glad I have friends like Dan and Jill in my life. I don't know what I would do without them. They're amazing, and I always have fun with them- plus they don't mind my randomness. Haha. Before I came up Jill gave me the coolest present ever!!! It's this awesome sports bag that the PBR and NRL riders use!! It has a special place just for your boots, plus huge to fit the other gear and things in. I LOVE IT!!!
Now for an update on this week so far. It's been a stressful and tiring week, that's for sure. I have this research paper due in Entomology Friday and it's driving me crazy! It's based off our collections from a field trip we did and needless to say our TA sucked at explaining it. No one really knows what they are doing, which makes this paper hard. We got a good portion or well the hard part done last night and now it's all up to me to finish it. Woohoo!! I get to explain our results and all...yeah...fun. I also had a PreCal test today which was awful. I had no idea what to do and there were problems we never did before in class, it was annoying. Though, there is some good news! For example, I started a new class! That's right, I started a new class all about these little guys..
Aren't they cute!?! Oh man, I already like this class. It's with my professor I had for Animal Behaviors and I loved him! We watched a movie which was an introduction to the 5 week course, and man it was a tear jerker. These creatures really mean no harm, and actually really important to the environment. Though they are almost extinct, and people continue to hunt and kill them...yeah that wasn't fun to watch. Yes it's true, they do explode when you shoot them. I saw it myself like 20 times.
I also got to have dinner last night with my cousin Scott before getting together for Entomology paper. It was lots of fun and I had a really good French Dip! Im really glad I have Scott up here because he can help me escape from the apartment and have fun. He showed me what my cousins Brad and Greg were for Halloween and I have to share! Haha. They are awesome!!! Needless to say they won best couple that night. I also got to see a picture of Madison (Brad's little girl), and she makes the cutest devil!! What do you think?
Before I go, I almost forgot to add that on Monday I had the chance to go to my Bishop's house with Karisa to watch the new Emma Smith Story movie. Oh man, it was SO amazing and a tear jerker as well. I can't imagine what all she went through, along with her and Joseph as a couple/family. I just hope and wish one day I can find a man just like Joseph and we can have a relationship like him and Emma did.
ALSO- WOW ALMOST COMPLETELY FORGOT!!! The PBR World Finals have been exciting!! I'm so bummed and mad I don't get to be there, but hopefully I can watch the last round on TV this Sunday. I have to say, Im so proud and happy for Reese Cates!! He's in 6th place right now (awesome for a rookie), and tied for 2nd place in Round 3 with Justin McBride with a 90.5 ride. GO REESE!!
Alright, now Im going! Haha. Keep Hanging On!!