Saturday morning my Mom woke me up and asked what I wanted for breakfast, so I had my favorite Chocolate Chip Pancakes! YUMMY!! When we were done I got in the shower, dressed for the day and we went to Bed Bath & Beyond. We got me an electric blanket and wedding gifts for friends. It was pretty funny when the lady there thought it was my wedding and wondered why I was registering a week before. Haha. That afternoon I got to go with Dan's sister Lacey, Jill, and Sis. Bienz to get Lacey's ears periced. It was exciting and reminded me of when I got mine done...except I was a Junior in High school and didn't get the whole lunch and thing with it. Haha. Afterwards I played a couple games of wiffleball with the boys, and went home for dinner. Mom made homemade Chinese food. It was awesome! At around 9:30 I went back over to the Bienz to play games the rest of the night.
Sunday was an interesting day. Haha, I was suppose to go to the Zoo but that didn't work out. Well more like my Mom thought it was too crowded and turned around. Then we were going to go somewhere else but it was closed. Needless to say I missed Stake Conference just to ride around and end up going home to play cards. Though, I can't complain too much I got to spend time with my family.
This weekend was lots of fun, and I'm so glad I got to go home. I honestly didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay home and continue having fun with my family, and hanging out with my best friends. Im so glad I have friends like Dan and Jill in my life. I don't know what I would do without them. They're amazing, and I always have fun with them- plus they don't mind my randomness. Haha. Before I came up Jill gave me the coolest present ever!!! It's this awesome sports bag that the PBR and NRL riders use!! It has a special place just for your boots, plus huge to fit the other gear and things in. I LOVE IT!!!
Now for an update on this week so far. It's been a stressful and tiring week, that's for sure. I have this research paper due in Entomology Friday and it's driving me crazy! It's based off our collections from a field trip we did and needless to say our TA sucked at explaining it. No one really knows what they are doing, which makes this paper hard. We got a good portion or well the hard part done last night and now it's all up to me to finish it. Woohoo!! I get to explain our results and all...yeah...fun. I also had a PreCal test today which was awful. I had no idea what to do and there were problems we never did before in class, it was annoying. Though, there is some good news! For example, I started a new class! That's right, I started a new class all about these little guys..
Aren't they cute!?! Oh man, I already like this class. It's with my professor I had for Animal Behaviors and I loved him! We watched a movie which was an introduction to the 5 week course, and man it was a tear jerker. These creatures really mean no harm, and actually really important to the environment. Though they are almost extinct, and people continue to hunt and kill them...yeah that wasn't fun to watch. Yes it's true, they do explode when you shoot them. I saw it myself like 20 times.
I also got to have dinner last night with my cousin Scott before getting together for Entomology paper. It was lots of fun and I had a really good French Dip! Im really glad I have Scott up here because he can help me escape from the apartment and have fun. He showed me what my cousins Brad and Greg were for Halloween and I have to share! Haha. They are awesome!!! Needless to say they won best couple that night. I also got to see a picture of Madison (Brad's little girl), and she makes the cutest devil!! What do you think?
Before I go, I almost forgot to add that on Monday I had the chance to go to my Bishop's house with Karisa to watch the new Emma Smith Story movie. Oh man, it was SO amazing and a tear jerker as well. I can't imagine what all she went through, along with her and Joseph as a couple/family. I just hope and wish one day I can find a man just like Joseph and we can have a relationship like him and Emma did.
ALSO- WOW ALMOST COMPLETELY FORGOT!!! The PBR World Finals have been exciting!! I'm so bummed and mad I don't get to be there, but hopefully I can watch the last round on TV this Sunday. I have to say, Im so proud and happy for Reese Cates!! He's in 6th place right now (awesome for a rookie), and tied for 2nd place in Round 3 with Justin McBride with a 90.5 ride. GO REESE!!
Alright, now Im going! Haha. Keep Hanging On!!
I was so stoked to go to the game, because I was finally going to my university's own athletic event. I wanted to go last year to the basketball games, but my roomies weren't into sports and I don't like going to games by myself. Those of you that know me, I love going to sporting events no matter if they are professional, school, church, or even just some friends getting together to play. I love sports, and after almost two whole semesters at NAU I finally got to go to one!
This weeks game was huge! We were playing Weber State, and we were tied with them for first place in the Big Sky Confernce. Whomever won this game was then determined as number 1. There was a huge crowd because of this. It was great!!
Steph and I sat in the Student Section, and that really is the place to sit. Sure you have some of your drunks and wierdos but it's so much fun. Everyone gets into the game and you all work together to cheer on the team. I had a blast standing up pretty much the whole time, and cheering on our boys! They played really hard, but sadly they were beaten. BUT, before all those start to bash my school I need to explain a few things.
Yes, we lost 14-42 but it would of been a much closer game if it weren't for two things. One- Weber State plays dirty. It reminded me when we (Mt. View) would play Hamilton. It wasn't until the thrid quarter that they finally called an unsportsmen-like conduct on them (which should of happened like 10 more times). Their guys would insist on continuing to fight and rip the ball out of our guy's hands when he was already down and the whistle blew for end of play. The Refs would seriously contiune blowing the whistle in Webers face but they still fought it grab the ball. Or their defense would not get off our players, and would rip at them. Yeah, they were redicilous! Two- the Refs were worse than those in the NBA (that says a lot!). For example, we were about to score a touch down, well deserved, but totally made a bogous call and gave the ball to Weber. Or this other time our guy was already down with the ball, end of play right...yeah Weber stole the ball and started running with it- they called it interception! Yeah...don't get me started. >:(
Even though we lost, the game was a total blast and I'm proud to be a LumberJack! GO JACKS!!
When the game was over I spent the rest of the night with Karisa and her fiance Ivan. They are so cute and lots of fun! :) Then today, I had church and took engagement pictures for the happy couple.
This weekend was another one out the few that made me glad I'm here at NAU. I felt like an actual college student, and had a blast! :)
Alright, that's all for now, keep hanging on!!!
I met Dane at Mt. View in Marching Band and we became Drum Major Companions my senior year along with my buddy James McMullan. I can't tell you how much I love these boys. They were my boys, and I had some of the best times with them. They didn't mind my corkyness and randomness, actually I bet they thought I was ill if I wasn't random every day. One of my favorite things about Dane was he use to die laughing at my impressions. Honestly, I suck at them but he use to find them so funny and I loved to make him laugh in the mornings.
Anyways, I got a letter from Dane tonight and I was super excited. I wrote him once before last semester in April, but I wasn't sure if he ever got it or if when my roomies forgot to check our mail in the summer (which of course got put on hold and then everything returned to sender) if he wrote and it got sent back. Before he left he asked if I would write him through out the mission and I agreed of course (meaning friend writing to another), yet I've been a horrible person and have only written him twice. I know, I'm a horrible friend. Okay, back to the letter.
Dane is doing great! I'm so happy for him. He loves his area and in fact he's been in the same area his whole mission (which I believe he's been out 15 months now) but watch now that I say that he will get transferred. Reading his letter made me miss him so much. He would make comments about my bugs for Entomology and told me a story that would fall under the "classic" and "amazing" category in my books. I got so excited that I heard from him that I called my Mom, and then Dan and Jill. Haha.
Reading his letter reminded me of the many good times we had and made me miss him so much more. I can't wait till he gets home, and I hope we can hang out more then we did before he left. Though of course, I am at NAU so it will be hard. Dan is amazing, just like so many of my other friends.
It's moments like tonight when I get a letter, phone call, email, or something from a good friend that makes me smile. It makes me feel special and reminds me that I'm loved and have touched others. I love my friends; they mean the world to me and I don't know where I would be without them. Thanks you guys!!
Well, this post is a buttload longer than I thought it would be. I hope I didn't bore you, then again I don't know who all reads this. Hope you all have an amazing weekend! Mine will be filled with homework, cleaning, New Moon, and sleep. Hooray!
Keep Hanging On...OH and PS the PBR World Finals are less than 15 days away. CrAzY!!!
Please ignore how awful I look. I'm trying to recover from a cold. Okay well, I would love to update more but I have to go do some Math HW (well try), study some more for my wicked Entomology test coming up, and then sleep...maybe.
Robin Hood: Yay!! Okay, this is just one of the cutest Disney ever did. Took a classic fairytale and made it fun and lovable. My favorite character by far is the little girl rabbit you see pictured. OMG! "Yeah, mind yo manners!". SO CUTE!!
Mary Poppins: I always wished, and still do, that I can snap and my room would clean up on its own. When I was little my favorite part was this scene where they jumped into the chalk drawing! Even today I have a new love for it because of a fun inside joke with my best friend Dan!
The Arstiocats: I'm not a cat person at all, but I loved this movie. I love the little kittens, and heck yes my name was the little girl kitten! Granted, she was kinda snotty but still. I love the beginning where they are pratcing the piano and painting. My brother used to love this movie because of the dogs, and seriously would wet his pants from laughing so hard at them. Till this day, I don't know what was so funny like he did.
Lady and the Tramp: With this one, I never liked the main character as much as I loved the neighborhood dogs, and Tramp! Plus, how cute are the puppies at the end?!
Bambi: Oh the wonderful movie that gave us the word 'Twitterpaited!" The movie is really cute, and I love when they were little. Best scene: "Say bird!" "Say bird!" "BIRD!!!" 'Bird, bird, bird, bird!"
The Little Mermaid: What girl did not love this movie?! Im still jealous that she got to marry Prince Eric..he's HOT! Seriously, I think he's the best looking prince out of all them. I love this scene. I wouldn't mind if it happened to me...(someone tell Wyaitt!).
Dumbo: Honestly, I haven't seen this one is so long but it's on my list of next to watch! When I was little elephants use to be my favorite animal. I blame this guy- how adorable is he?! Plus he could fly...I want a flying elephant!!
Like I said, those are only a few out of my many favorites!! Not only am I on a Disney movie kick but I've been dying to go back to Disneyland. I haven't been since 7th grade, and back then they were just, just starting the building of the California Adventure Park. I was suppose to go last Oct. but never did.
Anyone want to go on a Road Trip?! Im all in!!
Alright, it's late and I have class in like 7 hours. Crap! Keep hanging on!
Oh but that is not all....I'm also the proud mother of ...
As you can see, my first set of kiddos are none other than the domestic house crickets we always see in our homes, schools, offices, etc. The next set is mealworms that will grow into cute little black and red beetles!
Before you all think I have lost my mind, hear me out!
On Wednesday in my Entomology Lab we found out that we would be rearing (raising) our own insects. We had the choices between crickets, milkweed bugs (another beetle type), liver flies (yeah this was a no b/c I would have to feed them raw liver until Nov. 19th and the liver already smelt horrible), fruit flies (another no, if they got out I wouldn't hear the end of it from the roomies), or yellow mealworm beetles (the kind Hunter and his bro/sis are).
The idea was not to make us freaks, though it doesn't help our cause any b/c once people hear we are in this class we're classified as weirdos, but to see the life cycle of an insect. I'm suppose to try and raise these little guys who are all babies (except Melody, she's an adult female cricket), once mature get them to mate, and then try and raise the new generation of little ones. This class gets better and better! Haha.
I've already had an interesting time with my new children. Sadly, I lost one of my cricket babies the first night after lab. He didn't survive the shock I guess. I've also had an escape attempt by Hopper while I was trying to give them water last night. The little turd bucket jumped out and almost went down the sink!! No worries though, being the wonderful mother I am, I got him just in time and put him safely in his bed.
My crickets are very spunky! Luckily my boys haven't matured enough yet to start chirping. Though when that starts I'm sure I'll hear about it from the roomies upstairs. As for my beetles, they got their mother's laziness. They sleep and I hardly ever see them move, but they're so cute so I don't mind. Makes it easier on me! One of them actually went into the pupal stage and I should have an adult here in the next week! Kids sure do grow up fast!!
Who knew I would become a Mom so quickly?! I told Wyaitt (my boyfriend) about the new kiddos and his response was "This is the happiest day of my life! I'm the proud father of six legged children, and don't have to change diapers! Let's have more!"
Other than that I don't really have that much to update on. Oh! I did find out that I got a 92% on my Folklore Exam (which I had 30 mintues to take a essay form exam- stupid bus!), and an 84% on my Chemistry! Hooray!!
Also, if anyone cares, I'll be in town this coming up weekend! Oct. 3rd- 5th! I'm excited to see my family and maybe get to see some of you.
Alright well, I have to go tuck the kiddos in and read them their favorite story.- The Hungry Caterpillar!
Keep Hanging On Till Next Time!!
(My roomie Jamie did my hair- It looked so cute!!!)
As most know I have started my second semester at NAU this fall. Last semester was so much fun because I had interesting classes that mostly related to animals in some way. Now, yeah not so much. This semester my classes are subject areas that are not my best. *Cough*Chemistry*Cough*Math* Oh sorry, I must be getting a cold or something. Haha.
Though, I do have one interesting class- Entomology. Entomology is the big fancy scientific word of BUGS!! I know, I know, Im a freak! Haha. Actually, I blame my Mom for my interest and somewhat fascination with bugs. I've always been the one to pick up a cricket, roach, or spider to take it outside when others scream. For this class I must collect 100 different species of insects for an insect collection (so yes, one of those like collection boxes filled with dead pinned insects) which also has to have 15 out of the 28 orders of insects represented. At first I thought it was going to be hard to get a 100, but really it's the whole 15 order thing.
(My collection after camping--read below)
I've also gone on some neat trips with this class. A couple weekends ago I went camping with most of my classmates, professor, and some of his undergrad employees to Walnut Creek. It was lots of fun and a total college experience! One of the undergrad employees, Ryan, was really funny and pretty cool to hang out with. Needless to say, he loves to drink. He got pretty tipsy the first night and was pretty entertaining. For example, we were on a scorpion walk and of course was having no luck. Well we saw a light in the distance and Ryan thought it was a car, but we ensured him it wasn't moving so he turned to us and said "On ward, to the green light!". We walked almost 30 minutes to reach what was a green light on top of a watering device. Haha. The next night he got so drunk. I honestly, don't believe in drinking unless it's Dr. Pepper or something but I don't mind if others do. I mean, it's their choice let them do whatever. He was so funny that night though. My sides would hurt at times from his random comments, and when it was getting out of hand I left to my tent to turn in for the night. The trip wasn't all drinking though, we did collect bugs mostly and I got some pretty interesting ones. I found a preyingmantist on the back of my classmates chair when she got up from eating breakfast, haha it was awesome! I also found out how my Professor truly knew he was meant to be an Entomologist- though if you want to hear...you should probably ask me later. Haha. When we were returning home I was in Ryan's car (I rode down with him too) and we stopped in a little town where the movie CARS was based off of for a burger. It was fun.(The Barn "Research Center" at Walnut Creek)
Besides school, I really haven't done much. My life pretty much gets sucked into studies and when Im not in class or studying Im napping. Haha. You're probably thinking "Lazy Bum!" but I would have to disagree. This semester takes a lot out of me. I was hoping that this semester would be easier on the homesickness front, but it's not. Last semester I missed my friends to death, which I still do miss them a lot, but Im really missing my family this semester. I miss having someone be there pushing me, telling me I can do it, Jeff to have movie quote wars with, and my parents. I love my parents so much. My Mom and Dad are amazing, and I wished I could be a better daughter for them. Sometimes I feel like I don't do enough, that I don't make them proud but cause stress.
(My Family- Jeff, Theresa, Mom, Me,Dad for my 21st at the DBacks Game!)
I do have some other fun little news before I rap this post up though. (Sorry, I didnt realize this would be so long! This is what happens when I'm not good at keeping this up to date.) This probably isn't exciting to most, but it makes me happy! Haha.
-I bought Made of Honor yesterday!! Hooray!! GREAT MOVIE! I got it for $17.99-go me!
-I know Im slow but, I have finally started reading the Twilight Series. Granted, Im only on the first book but Im doing better this time then my first attempt. My first attempt I only read Chapter one. I picked it back up, and I read like 6 chapters in one weekend which is awesome for me since Im not a reader and slow at it as well. Im currently about to begin Chapter 10- so no one tell me anything!!
-One of my favorite PBR riders, Reese Cates (who if you look in the previous post I have a picture with) did amazing this past weekend! He got second overall in the event which is AMAZING for a 19 year old rookie- well okay this is his second year but he's still a young rookie. He's so awesome! I love this cowboy to death- he has a great attitude and personality!
(Reese- my picture at the Glendale Event '08)
-I got to talk to one of my best friends- LEANNE today!!! Oh man, that made my whole day!! I haven't talked to her or Jonathan in so long. I miss them to death!! Sometimes Im just tempted to pick up and move to where they are. Haha. LeAnne and Jonathan are so amazing. They're a huge inspiration to me and always make me feel special. Hopefully I'll get to see them again soon. :)
(Yay! LeAnne and Jonathan!)
Alright, believe it or not I think that's about it for now. Haha. I apologize for long posts. I wonder if anyone really reads this? Haha. I'll try and be better at updating and maybe then these wont be so long.
Keep Hangin' On!!